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關於我們 About Us







The handchime team was set up in 2002, and there are about forty ringers from Primary 3 to Primary 6 students now. We aim at developing a good team spirit, and every ringer learns to be patient and be willing to listen to others. Such traits are valuable in the personal development of youngsters.

In 2009, we expanded into junior and senior handchime teams. The ringers have gained experiences through competitions and performances.

In 2010, Rainbow Handbells (Harmony Bells) were implemented into the school’s formal curriculum. This allows students to get in touch with the handbells, and they show much interest in the new instrument. This enhances the learning effectiveness in the music classroom.

In 2011, the handbell team was established. Students learn a variety of handbell techniques, different musical styles and encounter music crossover.

In 2012, the handbell alumni team was established. This provides opportunities for graduated students to experience music, and to play advanced handbell music.

Both handchime and handbell teams are active players in concerts and competitions. In 2014, the senior handbell team won the champion in the 9th Hong Kong Handbell Festival and the handchime team won Golden Level. Their outstanding performance showcases the courage and enjoyment of all ringers.





  • 在正規課堂或全班活動時段,讓同學使用課室手鈴(Harmony Bells or Rainbow Bells)。課室手鈴的外型設計和顏色,有助同學容易辨認音名,亦較易操控或掌握打奏手鈴。

  • 以小組/分組形式打奏上行和下行音階,或齊奏和弦,讓同學先聆聽手鈴音色,了解彼此合作關係,認識五線譜(圖像理解)基本音名和節奏。

  • 同學試打奏簡單和弦作伴奏主旋律(主旋律可以合唱、直笛或播放範唱),讓同學能夠完成合奏及體驗演奏音樂的樂趣。

  • 同學可試打結構音,或指定旋律樂句,訓練他們的讀譜能力。

  • 透過全班參與合奏手鈴活動,將手鈴基本技巧和音樂知識滲入正規課堂,除了提供機會予同學體驗手鈴演奏,亦啟發他們音樂智能和提昇溝通能力。

  • 透過全班式手鈴活動,發掘具潛質及音樂敏感度的同學,進行專業培訓和拔尖訓練。


  • 以小組形式進行,亦鼓勵具有訓練及比賽經驗的學長協助培訓,成為初學同學的楷模。

  • 除基本手鈴預習以外,老師需投放時間與同學進行樂曲分析(例如劃分樂段樂句、表演記號和音色控制等)。

  • 多進行樂曲欣賞,了解樂曲背景和情境,分析不同演奏方法與音色變化關係,培訓同學高層次思考及抽象理解,讓他們日後學以應用。

  • 透過比賽和演出,鍛練同學對音樂技巧的要求,不同的交流能豐富他們的音樂經驗。

  • 鼓勵老師和同學嘗試高創意的手鈴演奏,了解並探索手鈴樂器的音色和技巧,挑戰較高程度的手鈴音樂,並讓同學參與手鈴創作演奏。

Handbell in Education

Handbell as an educational tools in the Music classroom

To facilitate students’ Music learning, a lot of Music experience is crucial. The implementation of handbell in the Music curriculum provides a medium for students to learn and enjoy Music in the classroom, this could enhance students’ understanding in Music context, and different musical skills. 

Handbell Music incorporates listening, performing and creating. This meets the four key tasks in the Hong Kong Music curriculum. Moreover, it fits “co-operative learning” in the curriculum, this helps to take care of the individual difference in classroom, all students could experience Music by handbells.

Cultivate students’ collaboration skills

A handbell choir or handbell ensemble (in the United States) or handbell team (in England) is a group that rings recognizable music with melodies and harmony, unlike an orchestra or choir in which each musician is responsible for one line of the texture, a bell ensemble acts as one instrument, with each musician responsible for particular notes, sounding his or her assigned bells whenever that note appears in the music. The coordination of the bell ringers requires a different approach than other ensembles, all the ringers read from a complete score, which is similar to a piano score.

Therefore, learning to play handbells is more than acquiring and perfecting individual skills. More importantly, ringers have to develop good team spirits. Handbell ringers need to be aware of the roles of their assigned bells in the piece of music performed. An outstanding performance is the result of the perfect coordination of team members’ use of their eyes, brains, hands and ears. As in learning to play other musical instruments, learning to play handbells can cultivate personal accomplishment. At the same time, ringers can develop their patience and willingness to listen to others through cooperative team building. Such traits are valuable in the personal development of children.

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